Horse Riding at Nelson Park!

Horse Riding at Nelson Park!
Category: Blog

On arrival at 9:30 the children were all signed in and then given a tour around the Park to see all the different horses they have there. They have 42 horses in total! The tallest horse we met was called Big Mumma who is from Belgium.

Our next activity was to be split into two groups, one group to groom two tiny ponies and the other group to ride inside the school arena.  When grooming the ponies, we got to plait their manes and tails and brush their bodies. All the young children loved doing this.

The next adventure for the young people to do was the letter scavenger hunt. This was where they had a sheet of paper giving them clues to where they might find some letters hidden around the park. At the end, once they had found all of the letters it spelt out a word and the word was HORSESHOE! This was lots of fun!

The last part of our fun filled day was to get to play in the sand pit.  Us apprentices loved this as much as the young people did! We all built sandcastles and the young people were digging for treasure; some even found some special looking stones.

We had such a great day meeting all the horses and riding them.  The young people can’t wait for another activity day just like this.

By Amy Barden


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