Mind of My Own - how it can help you!

Category: News

The sign-up process is simple. All you have to do is give your name, email address and date of birth. If you get stuck, you should ask your Social Worker, Independent Reviewing Officer, Foster Carer or anyone you trust to help you sign up.

The app is very straight forward. There are so many different options to choose from!  You can choose from eight scenarios like ‘Prepare for a Meeting’, ‘Sort a Problem’ or even ‘Share Good News’. Within each scenario, you can answer different questions about what’s going well in your life, what might be more challenging and what you would like to change.  You can add as much information as you like.

Once the questions are completed, you can choose who you would like to send your statement to, whether this is your Social Worker, Independent Reviewing Officer, Virtual School Kent Worker or Personal Adviser.  Just remember to press send!

Mind of My Own is an amazing app and is an easy way for young people and care leavers to express how they are feeling at the time they want and not wait until they see their worker.  It’s particularly good if you sometimes find it difficult saying what you really feel face to face with your workers or need to get something off your chest then and there.  Your worker will receive your statement the next day they are in work and will let you know they have seen it.  

The Mind of My Own app is easily downloaded using the Apple App Store or the Google Play store on iPhone and Android. Any young person can also access the app through the Mind of My Own website

So why not give Mind of My Own a go today?! Download the app and send a statement; make sure you have your voice heard!

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