Have your say on the Care Leavers 18+ Service

A young man using a tablet computer sat next to a young woman using a laptop computer.
Category: News

To do this, there is a yearly survey designed to find out about your experiences and identify where the 18 Plus Service can improve.  This survey is now open to all Care Leavers aged 18 and over who were in the care of Kent County Council and are now supported by the Care Leavers 18+ Service.

You can click here to access the survey in another tab.  You can answer in a variety of languages such as Pashto or Tigriyan and all your answers are anonymous, so you can be as honest as you want!  It’s easy to complete and should only take about 5 minutes.

We spoke to Rob, who is a Participation Support Assistant in the Participation Team about why he thinks it’s important to take part in the survey…

“Being a Care Leaver, getting my opinion across is important. Surveys are an easy way to share your opinions with staff so they get an understanding about how you, as a Care Leaver, are actually feeling about the care you are receiving. Surveys are there for you to be able to tell staff or other people what you want them to know, whether this is anonymous or not. And, you are still able to get your opinion across virtually, even if you are unable to see you PA as often due to the pandemic.”

YAC is urging as many Care Experienced Young Adults as possible to take part as you are best placed to tell the 18 Plus Care Leavers Service what being Care Experienced is really like and how the Service can make things better for you and others.  It’s your chance to let the 18+ Service know your views about Pathway Planning, your placement and how informed you feel about the services they provide. 


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