Virtual School Kent Awards 2021 Nominations Are Now Open

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Category: News

Foster Carers, Social Workers, Teachers and other professionals can now nominate young people from Early Years to Year 13+ using the online nomination form -  Virtual School Kent awards nomination form 

The Awards are a great opportunity to celebrate young people’s effort and achievements.  We are hopeful that we will be able to meet up with young people in September and October to celebrate their achievements this year in person, however if this does not prove possible we will still finds ways to celebrate their achievements!

The Award Categories this year are:

Outstanding or greatly improved academic achievement

Outstanding or greatly improved engagement and/or attitude towards learning

Outstanding contribution to the education, training, or employment placement

Outstanding contribution to the community

Wider achievements of note

The deadline to make a nomination is Friday 30th July for Early Years and those in Year Reception to Year 11, and Friday 27th August for those in Year 12, Year 13 and for our Care Leavers.


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