Ocean Youth Trust Trip

Collage of pictures (Map of the trip, Rob and Tom sailing the boat, sea view from the boat)
Category: News

During the May half term, two members of the Participation Team, Tom and Rob, along with a group of 10 young people set out on a four-day voyage from Southampton into the English Channel with the Ocean Youth Trust.

During the journey, Tom, Rob and the young people learnt many different skills; like how to tie knots, how to put the sails up, and how to work as a team to keep the boat sailing along.

They managed to see loads of different boats, lots of jellyfish, and the wonderful scenery of the Isle of Wight. They were given the opportunity to cook dinner for everyone, play games, and even man the helm of the boat!

In total, the journey consisted of 87 nautical miles (100.1 land miles) over a total of 2 and a half days. It was a fun packed four days, everyone was very tired at the end of it, and grateful at being given the opportunity to participate in this amazing experience!

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