Easter Half Term

Pictures from Easter Half Term (Arts and Crafts)
Category: News

On Thursday 6th April, we held a Circus Skills activity day for our Kent Disabled Young People. Throughout the day, young people took part in Easter arts and crafts as well as many other Easter themed games and activities. In the afternoon, Kinetic Circus joined us to teach the young people some amazing things such as juggling, box catching and how to throw diablos.

We also held two Pizza Making days at Pizza Express. The young people who attended all had a chance to make their own pizzas and enjoy them. They then did some food related activities after, such as making banana sushi and a blind taste test game. The young people all had fun and went home with lots of food. 

And last but not least, our two “Sublime Science” activity days.  The young people started the morning with engineering activities, including a paper airplane challenge, using different weights and designs, and a tower challenge to build the strongest and tallest tower out of straws. We were then joined by “Sublime Science” who showed the children some awesome activities and scientific experiments, and the children got the chance to make their own slime and sweets!

Young People’s Council Meetings 

This Easter, all of our Council Groups focused on the support Young People with Special Educational Needs receive. We asked the young people their views on how they would like information shared with them, as well as how they prefer to share their opinions about school and their education both individually and collectively with decision makers. Their ideas and feedback will be incorporated into the new Kent Local Area Communications and Engagement Strategy

The OCYPC, Super Council and OCYPC Extra meetings also focused on what young people think helps make their homes stable and secure, the support they think they need and how they know they are being listened to when they experience challenges. This feedback has already been shared with Kent’s Practice Development Team and practitioners in a training session. Finally, the groups took part in something creative to design a new logo for Kent’s Education Safeguarding Service.

At the Children WHO Care meeting we discussed the need to create a guide for schools to support Children whose families foster. All the feedback from young people is being collated and turned into a “Hints and Tips” document ready to be shared with schools.

Finally, at the Adoptables meeting we told members about the new head of RAA (Regional Adoption Agency), and we asked them what they’d like her to be like and what qualities she should have. Alongside, this the group discussed the support young people should receive when they return from school after a long absence to help them settle back into learning and their school community.

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