New Youth Forum for Young People With SEND

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The new forum, called OCYPC MAGIC (which stands for ‘Our Children’s and Young People’s Council’) is designed especially for young people who have special educational needs and disabilities aged 11 – 18 and are in care, adopted and those who have a Social Worker. Meetings will take place during the school holidays, or on Saturday mornings. During meetings young people will be able to share their views and be listened to in a safe and friendly environment, as well as contribute to making changes to the way services are designed and delivered for young people. Topics will include things that affect them at school, in their education and around their wellbeing. They’ll use lots of resources, visual elements and interactive activities pitched to suit the needs of young people, and there will be a high staff to young person ratio, so everyone gets the support they need. Their views will be shared with senior leaders in Kent who are responsible for SEND support so everything they say will really make a difference! Young people can take part in a way that suits them either by attending the main meetings, in smaller groups or on an individual basis. If you know a young person who would be interested in joining this exciting new forum, please contact:

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