VSK are very proud to announce that we are well on the way to achieving The National Nurturing School Programme Award! (NNSP)

VSK Nurture Logo.
Category: News

What is Nurture? 

Nurture is all about the people around you and how they help you to grow and become the best person you can be. Nurture is also about the environment that you are growing up in, this might be your school, your community or your friends. Together all of these can influence positive wellbeing and behaviour.

The National Nurturing School Programme features 6 principles. Everyone in Virtual School Kent is working hard to make sure we are following the principles in our work with young people, schools, other agencies, as well as our own staff.

The VSK apprentices have worked with young people to put the 6 key nurture principles into words for young people, by young people.

The 6 principles are:

Anyone may have changes in their lives which may be difficult to cope with or challenging. VSK are always here to support you and help you cope with these changes.

Not everyone achieves things at the same time or the same age, VSK are here to help you achieve when you are ready.

Having your voice heard is important and VSK will help you to make sure your wishes and feelings are always heard.

It’s not always easy to talk about how you are feeling but sometimes how you behave shows us instead. VSK is here to support you with how you are feeling.

Although VSK isn’t a real-life school, we are always here for you.

The VSK team are here to make sure you are getting everything you need to make sure you are happy, healthy and safe.

As well as working towards the Six Principles of Nurture, VSK has introduced a new tool to help your teachers support your wellbeing and learning.

The Boxall Profile is an assessment that helps your teachers and VSK staff understand your needs and make sure that you are supported in the right way. It’s not a test for you though! By looking at the way you play and socialise with your class mates and learn and behave in class, your teachers will be able to create targets for you and plan the extra support you might need. These will, hopefully, help you to feel happier and more settled at school and access your learning better. Your teachers will work with VSK staff to check these targets, for example at your PEP meeting, and develop new ones when you need them.

If you would like more information, you can look on the Nurture UK website; or email us at VSK_Participation@kent.gov.uk. You can also watch Tony Doran, VSK’s Headteacher, explain more about Nurture and the Six Principles.


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