Visit to the Parliament
On Monday 17th February, we were fortunate enough to meet with members of other South East Children in Care Councils for a conversation with Janet Daby, Minister for Children and Families, and a tour of Parliament. Young people from Bracknell, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, and Kent joined together in discussion with the Minister to explore issues affecting children in care and advocate for other care-experienced children.
Sign up to receive our newsletter!
The January Participation Team newsletter has just been sent out! 📩
Summer Holidays
This Summer has been action packed, full of fun activities and events for our young people!
Post 16 Awards
On Tuesday 25th July, the Participation Team alongside the VSK Post 16 Team were delighted to welcome just over 150 young people and their guests, as well as senior KCC staff and elected members, to our annual Post 16 Awards Celebration.
New Youth Forum for Young People With SEND
We are delighted to advise that a new and exciting SEND youth forum has been set up for young people with SEND, where they can enjoy social time with others in similar situations, make friendships, play games and take part in fun activities. This new group will run in addition to our existing Young People’s Councils.
May Half Term
Despite there been only four days this May Half Term, it was still filled with fun activities and meetings for the Participation Team and all of our children and young people.
We started off the week with our adopted children at Lower Grange Farm near Maidstone, where we had a fun day filled with Pedal Carts, Foot Golf, Bushcraft and Climbing.
YAC Extra
On Thursday 20th April, the Participation Team successfully held the first meeting for YAC Extra. This is a group for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Young People to share their views and opinions about how Kent County Council supports them, suggesting improvements and making a positive difference for all young people in care and care experienced.
Easter Half Term
It has been another busy Easter Half Term for the Participation Team!
We kicked off the holidays with the under 5s at Little Street in Maidstone. The miniature roleplay town allowed the children to let their imaginations run wild and we had police officers, fire fighters and builders all playing happily together. On the same day, a group of Young People aged 16+ joined the Participation Team for some epic fun high in the treetops at the Go Ape course at Leeds Castle.
Fabruary Half term
For this first school break of 2023, the Participation Team organised lots of new and exciting activities and events.
We’ve started the week with an African Music Workshop, where our children learnt how to make their own instrument and decorate it. They also got to play some traditional African drums and participate in lots of games.
Focus Groups
Just before Christmas, the Participation Team, alongside staff from the Social Connections Service and Early Help Teams, met with a group of young people to speak about their meetings with workers and their involvement in their own planning.
One-to-One Support Project
One of the most fulfilling parts of working in the Participation Team is supporting Young People one-to-one during their time in care.
Last October, two of our apprentices had the chance to work on a project that involved making a short film about a young person’s experience in care.
VSK Christmas Parties
The VSK Christmas Parties were a huge success this year! Both parties were well attended with 75 children at the Children in Care Christmas Party and 85 children at the Adoption Christmas Party.
The Care Leaver Internship Scheme
Are you a care leaver looking for a role in the Civil Service?
The Care Leaver Internship scheme is an exciting opportunity to take up a role in a government department.
Pre 16 Awards
This year, the Virtual School Kent Pre 16 awards took place at Kingswood Activity Centre in Ashford. It was great to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our Young People, with lots of activities organised for them, including outdoor activities, arts and crafts, games and even snake handling!
Children WHO Care Council
October is Sons and Daughters Month. We want to celebrate the important role that children of foster carers play in a fostering home.
There’s no better time than now to come along and find out what our Children WHO Care council is about!
Participation and Well-being in Residential Care Survey
Are you living in or having recently lived in a children’s home or semi-independent accommodation?
Are you between 14 and 21 years old?
We invite you to fill out this online survey.
Countywide Children in Care Council
This year, we opened our summer holiday activities with the Countywide Children in Care Council meeting, which took place on Tuesday 26th of July.
Reconnect Hackathon Blog
The Hackathon Event 2022 was funded and supported by the Reconnect Programme. Reconnect is a one-year scheme that was introduced by Kent County Council to help reverse the effects of COVID and self-isolation, especially in young people.
Summer Reading Challenge 2022
Throughout the summer holidays, all children and young people from ages 4-11 years old can take part in the Summer Reading Challenge 2022, which runs from 9th of July until 10th of September.
Pets and changing homes: the views of care experienced children/young people
This new study by the University of Edinburgh (independent of Lifelong Links) aims to understand the importance of pets to children and young people, and the effects of moving homes on these relationships.
Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme
The Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme will be opening for applications on 8 August on Civil Service Jobs, and closing on 5th of September. The scheme provides care leavers aged between 18-30 years with 12-month paid opportunities to experience working in a government department.
Ocean Youth Trust Trip
The Ocean Youth Trust is a voluntary organisation that aims to give disadvantaged young people the opportunity to “learn the ropes” (quite literally) of sailing.
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Competition
We would like you to design a commemorative plate to celebrate the queen’s 70th year on the throne.
Virtual School Kent Nominations 2022
The Nominations for this year’s Awards for Kent Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers are open!
We’re excited to be finally able to celebrate young people’s achievements in person, and we want to make this a Special Ceremony with lots of entertainment, food and music!
Schools Platinum Jubilee Baking Competition
In occasion of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Chairman of Kent County Council, Mrs Lesley Game, is inviting students to take part in a baking competition.
Try Something New Saturdays
This year we’ve launched a new initiative, our ‘Try Something New Saturdays’, which gives our Young People the opportunity to do something they may not have tried before and socialise with other Young People.
Reconnect Leisure Centre Offer
As part of our Reconnect offer, leisure centres across Kent are providing lots more opportunities for children and families. Each leisure centre will have its own offer of activities and sports young people can take part in and will advertise these individually. The offer is open to lots of young people who might find it harder to access leisure opportunities, including children in care.
Have you heard about the Youth Charter?
The Youth Charter has been developed as part of a commitment by Kent County Council, and sets out six principles of how young people want staff to engage and work with them
Easter Half Term Activity Days
During this Easter Half Term, the Participation Team has been busy with lots of activities for children and young people. We’ve tried to offer a variety of choices to meet the needs and interests of every child involved.
The Young Local Authority of the Year Competition
The Young Local Authority of the Year Competition is a public speaking competition. The competition is held every year in Lancaster and local authorities, like Kent County Council, will send teams to represent them. We represented Kent County Council this year as Apprentice Participation Workers for Virtual School Kent, and from 9th-11th of March, we presented 3 speeches alongside 22 other teams from local authorities all over England, including one other team from Kent.
Kooth: Free online mental health support for 10 - 25 yr olds in Kent & Medway
Kooth is a free online service providing you with a safe and secure means of accessing support with emotional health and wellbeing needs.
Care Experienced Civil Services Internships
Do you know about the Civil Service Internships that are available for Care Experienced young people?
Click the link below to find out more:
YPBMF Care Experienced Internships
If you would like further information, please do contact the Care Leavers Internship team at
VSK’s journey towards becoming a Nurturing Virtual School
Our Children and Young people have made a short film with the support of VSK’s Participation and Engagement Team to show what they think about Nurture and our 6 principles. The young people feel these are important principles that all practitioners should work towards.
Wild World Heroes, The Summer Reading Challenge 2021
Get ready for the Wild World Heroes, as Summer Reading Challenge 2021 comes to Kent libraries!
Kent libraries are excited to introduce Wild World Heroes, Summer Reading Challenge 2021; a celebration of nature and action for the environment, in partnership with WWF UK.
Running from 10 July – 11 September 2021, for the first time, children can choose to sign up and participate in the Summer Reading Challenge either by visiting a Kent Library to claim their joining pack, or by visiting to take part online. Visit to find an up-to-date list of our open libraries and information about when others will be opening.
Meet the Wild World Heroes - Carys, Marcus, Callum, Willow, Faiza, David and their trusted animal companions from Wilderville, who are all on a mission to take action and save their natural world.
Children can help the Wild World Heroes by signing up to the Summer Reading Challenge and reading six library books over the summer period. It can be any type of reading material including stories, information books, audiobooks, eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and more. When they have read their six books and completed the Summer Reading Challenge, they will receive a medal and certificate (while stocks last). And it’s all for free!
Live Virtual Zoolabs
Zoolab Rangers bring their animals to our free online Zoolab events, part of Kent Libraries Summer Reading Challenge, Wild World Heroes.
Naturetown – suitable for 5-8 year olds
Wed 4 Aug 1pm-1.45pm
Thurs 12 Aug 10am-10.45am
Hear about the adventure of fellow eco-warriors helping local wildlife, reinforcing what we can all do to protect and care for our animal neighbours.
Eco Investigators – suitable for 8-11 year olds
Wed 18 Aug 10am-10.45am
Thurs 26 Aug 1pm-1.45pm
Become an Eco Investigator and learn how we can help save our animal friends - all from the comfort of your own home!
Art Competition – Design a Logo for the Strengthening Independence Service
The Disabled Children and Young People’s Service is running a competition for young people to design a logo for the service, which will now be called Strengthening Independence.
Virtual School Kent Awards 2021 Nominations Are Now Open
This year’s Virtual School Kent Awards Nominations are now open for Kent’s Children and Young people in Care, and Care Leavers.
National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF) are currently recruiting for Sessional Worker Posts - flexible and exciting paid opportunities for care experienced individuals to work with the forum
The posts are flexible and can fit around other work or education commitments. Sessional workers help to design and deliver NLCBF & Young People’s Benchmarking Forum (YPBMF) events. They also get involved in consultations and events with partner organisations around the country. Sessional workers can be based anywhere in the country.
The closing date for applications in Sunday 6th June.
Visit: for more information and to apply
There are also two Q&As about the post available to attend via MS Teams on Wednesday 26th May at 12.30pm and on Tuesday 1st June at 6pm. On these calls, you will meet the team to find out what it’s like to do the job.
To sign up to these sessions please contact
SEND Co-production Charter
Our Children in Care alongside other young people have supported the creation of Kent’s co-production charter for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The Big Ask: Have your say!
This is your chance to have your say on the things that matter to you and what you think the Government’s priorities should be for the future.
Voices 2021 Creative Writing Competition is here!
Voices is the only national creative writing competition for all children and young people in care and care leavers in the UK, aged 25 and under.
VSK are very proud to announce that we are well on the way to achieving The National Nurturing School Programme Award! (NNSP)
Virtual School Kent are working hard to incorporate Nurture principles into our work with young people.
Thinking of applying to university as a care leaver?
Are you a care leaver in need of advice and insight about how to get into University? Take a look at this!
Have your say on the Care Leavers 18+ Service
Our Young Adult Council wants to hear your views about the services the 18 Plus Care Leavers Service provides.
Accessing Computers and Internet at KCC Libraries
To support you with your education, we want to let you know that KCC has now opened 12 libraries for bookshelf browsing and borrowing, pre-bookable computers and WiFi sessions.
Civil Service Care Leaver Internship
The Civil Service Care Leaver Internship Scheme is reopening for applications on 7th September!
Aspens Fest 2020
Aspens Fest 2020, save the date!
An update about NCS 2020
The following is an update about NCS 2020.
Survey Update!
A huge thank you to everyone that took the time to submit a feedback survey during this lockdown period!
The Summer Reading Challenge is Back!
Silly Squad, the Summer Reading Challenge 2020 started on Friday 5th June and runs throughout the summer holidays, finishing at the end of September. It’s for children aged 4 – 11 and is completely free.
Engineering Apprenticeship with Southeastern
Southeastern are looking to recruit new apprentices to become fully qualified service engineers, over a 4 year course.
Kent Fire & Rescue Service recruitment
The Kent Fire & Rescue Service will shortly be recruiting for Wholetime Firefighters
Barclays Life Skills
Barclays LifeSkills is a fantastic way to boost your CV and find virtual work experience.
Essential information for Students at The University of Greenwich
The following is an update for all care leavers/care experienced students from Chris Colson
An update from OFQUAL
The following is an update from The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
New Competitions
Keep your eyes open for more regular competitions!
Kent Apprenticeship Opportunities
There are hundreds of opportunities across Kent and Medway to kick start your career and secure an Apprenticeship.
NHS Smartphone Apps
Smartphone apps available to download.
Coram Voice - Voices 2020 Competition
Coram Voice are holding a competition for creative writing! ‘Voices 2020’ is a competition for all Children in Care and Care Leavers under the age of 25.
Looking After Teenagers in Today’s Modern World’ and the Association of Kent Headteachers Conferences
The Virtual School Kent Participation Team were proud to support Kent Fostering to deliver the ‘Looking After Teenagers in today’s Modern World’ Conference on 13th November.
KFRS Road Savvy Event November 16th.
The Kent Fire and Rescue Service are kick starting Brake Road Safety Week, with an event allowing a glimpse into the work our emergency services do.
Virtual Tour de Kent
On Wednesday 23rd October, Kent Care Leavers embarked on a 229-mile virtual ‘Tour De Kent’ to raise money for a fantastic charity - the Young Lives Foundation.
Have Your Say on the Care Leavers 18+ Service
Our Young Adult Council (YAC) wants to hear your views about the services the Care Leavers 18+ Service provides again this year.
Starting College or University?
Going to College or University can be a very difficult time in anyone’s life. It can be unsettling and can require a complete change in routine, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Whether you’re deciding to go to college or choosing what university is best for you, don’t leave yourself in the dark!
Talk to the Top
On Thursday 5th September, Matt Dunkley, the Corporate Director for Children Young People and Education attended one of the Young Adult Council’s monthly meeting. YAC members had the opportunity to ask Matt a series of questions about the kind of stuff that affect Young People in Kent. Here are the ten questions the YAC member came up with and Matt’s responses…
Come Along to the Young Adult Council
Our Young Adult Council is one of three councils created by young people and supported by the Participation Team within Virtual School Kent. We are made up of passionate Children in Care and Care Leavers aged 16+.
Adventure Under Sail
Ocean Youth Trust South is a charity which gives young people aged between 12 and 25 the opportunity to go to sea. This year, Virtual School Kent was lucky enough to be able to offer 11 Children in Care an amazing adventure on the ocean!
Corporate Parenting Panel Takeover Day!
Kent County Council’s Takeover Day on Wednesday, May 29 saw children in care, care leavers, adopted young people and the sons and daughters of foster carers take charge of the Corporate Parenting Panel and have their voices heard.
Mind of My Own - how it can help you!
Mind of My Own is an award-winning app which allows children in care and care leavers to express their thoughts and feelings easily with the professionals they work with. Children as young as eight can sign up to a young person’s account and access their account whenever and wherever they want. You can download the app to your phone or tablet or use the Mind of My Own website.
Write, Speak, Share on IMO
We always love hearing your stories, poems and experiences of being in care and, with your permission, sharing these on this website.
We like to ride our bicycles!
On Tuesday 9th April, the Participation Team took two groups of young people to the Cyclopark in Gravesend.
The Care Leaver Covenant
The Care Leaver Covenant is a promise made by private, public or voluntary organisations to provide support for Care Leavers aged 16 – 25 to help them to live independently.
Around the World in a Day
Over the February half term, there were two activity days held in Kings Hill and Canterbury. Young People could come along and take part in different workshops - African Drumming, Chinese Dance and Asian Shadow Puppets - to learn about some arts from different countries.
Taking Over Whitehall!
In November, Virtual School Kent was very excited to support two young people, Bradley and Chelsea, take part in the Whitehall Takeover, a month-long event organised by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.
Finding Accommodation as a Care Leaver
Moving on from Social Services accommodation is a big step, and you might have concerns about finding somewhere to live. Your Personal Advisor (PA) will be able to go through your options with you.
Why go to a University or College Open Day?
Making decisions about your future can be confusing whether you are in Year 11, Year 13 or considering a return to education or training after a break. Sixth form, college, university, apprenticeships, the world of work…the possibilities can sometimes seem endless! But help is at hand!
16+ Awards Ceremony
Virtual School Kent held their fifth annual Post 16 Awards Ceremony. This event recognises and celebrates the achievements of looked after post 16 young people and there were some amazing success stories.
Say Hello to Tia and Rob and well done Chelsea!
This summer, we have been incredibly happy to welcome two new apprentices to the Participation Team. You may have met Tia Pires Higgins and Rob Barton if you came to our activity days during the summer holidays but if not, let’s meet them…
The Annual Children in Care Countywide Event
Every year, Virtual School Kent’s Participation Team holds a celebration for the three Children in Care Councils. The council groups are The Super Council which is for 7-11 year olds, Our Children and Young People’s Council for 11-16 year olds and the Young Adult Council for age 16+.
A fantastic summer of activity days!
What a brilliant summer we have had! Hot, sunny and jam packed with fun!
Visit to the Parliament
On Monday 17th February, we were fortunate enough to meet with members of other South East Children in Care Councils for a conversation with Janet Daby, Minister for Children and Families, and a tour of Parliament. Young people from Bracknell, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, and Kent joined together in discussion with the Minister to explore issues affecting children in care and advocate for other care-experienced children.
Sign up to receive our newsletter!
The January Participation Team newsletter has just been sent out! 📩
Summer Holidays
This Summer has been action packed, full of fun activities and events for our young people!
Post 16 Awards
On Tuesday 25th July, the Participation Team alongside the VSK Post 16 Team were delighted to welcome just over 150 young people and their guests, as well as senior KCC staff and elected members, to our annual Post 16 Awards Celebration.
New Youth Forum for Young People With SEND
We are delighted to advise that a new and exciting SEND youth forum has been set up for young people with SEND, where they can enjoy social time with others in similar situations, make friendships, play games and take part in fun activities. This new group will run in addition to our existing Young People’s Councils.
May Half Term
Despite there been only four days this May Half Term, it was still filled with fun activities and meetings for the Participation Team and all of our children and young people.
We started off the week with our adopted children at Lower Grange Farm near Maidstone, where we had a fun day filled with Pedal Carts, Foot Golf, Bushcraft and Climbing.
YAC Extra
On Thursday 20th April, the Participation Team successfully held the first meeting for YAC Extra. This is a group for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Young People to share their views and opinions about how Kent County Council supports them, suggesting improvements and making a positive difference for all young people in care and care experienced.
Easter Half Term
It has been another busy Easter Half Term for the Participation Team!
We kicked off the holidays with the under 5s at Little Street in Maidstone. The miniature roleplay town allowed the children to let their imaginations run wild and we had police officers, fire fighters and builders all playing happily together. On the same day, a group of Young People aged 16+ joined the Participation Team for some epic fun high in the treetops at the Go Ape course at Leeds Castle.
Fabruary Half term
For this first school break of 2023, the Participation Team organised lots of new and exciting activities and events.
We’ve started the week with an African Music Workshop, where our children learnt how to make their own instrument and decorate it. They also got to play some traditional African drums and participate in lots of games.
Focus Groups
Just before Christmas, the Participation Team, alongside staff from the Social Connections Service and Early Help Teams, met with a group of young people to speak about their meetings with workers and their involvement in their own planning.
One-to-One Support Project
One of the most fulfilling parts of working in the Participation Team is supporting Young People one-to-one during their time in care.
Last October, two of our apprentices had the chance to work on a project that involved making a short film about a young person’s experience in care.
VSK Christmas Parties
The VSK Christmas Parties were a huge success this year! Both parties were well attended with 75 children at the Children in Care Christmas Party and 85 children at the Adoption Christmas Party.
The Care Leaver Internship Scheme
Are you a care leaver looking for a role in the Civil Service?
The Care Leaver Internship scheme is an exciting opportunity to take up a role in a government department.
Pre 16 Awards
This year, the Virtual School Kent Pre 16 awards took place at Kingswood Activity Centre in Ashford. It was great to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our Young People, with lots of activities organised for them, including outdoor activities, arts and crafts, games and even snake handling!
Children WHO Care Council
October is Sons and Daughters Month. We want to celebrate the important role that children of foster carers play in a fostering home.
There’s no better time than now to come along and find out what our Children WHO Care council is about!
Participation and Well-being in Residential Care Survey
Are you living in or having recently lived in a children’s home or semi-independent accommodation?
Are you between 14 and 21 years old?
We invite you to fill out this online survey.
Countywide Children in Care Council
This year, we opened our summer holiday activities with the Countywide Children in Care Council meeting, which took place on Tuesday 26th of July.
Reconnect Hackathon Blog
The Hackathon Event 2022 was funded and supported by the Reconnect Programme. Reconnect is a one-year scheme that was introduced by Kent County Council to help reverse the effects of COVID and self-isolation, especially in young people.
Summer Reading Challenge 2022
Throughout the summer holidays, all children and young people from ages 4-11 years old can take part in the Summer Reading Challenge 2022, which runs from 9th of July until 10th of September.
Pets and changing homes: the views of care experienced children/young people
This new study by the University of Edinburgh (independent of Lifelong Links) aims to understand the importance of pets to children and young people, and the effects of moving homes on these relationships.
Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme
The Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme will be opening for applications on 8 August on Civil Service Jobs, and closing on 5th of September. The scheme provides care leavers aged between 18-30 years with 12-month paid opportunities to experience working in a government department.
Ocean Youth Trust Trip
The Ocean Youth Trust is a voluntary organisation that aims to give disadvantaged young people the opportunity to “learn the ropes” (quite literally) of sailing.
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Competition
We would like you to design a commemorative plate to celebrate the queen’s 70th year on the throne.
Virtual School Kent Nominations 2022
The Nominations for this year’s Awards for Kent Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers are open!
We’re excited to be finally able to celebrate young people’s achievements in person, and we want to make this a Special Ceremony with lots of entertainment, food and music!
Schools Platinum Jubilee Baking Competition
In occasion of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Chairman of Kent County Council, Mrs Lesley Game, is inviting students to take part in a baking competition.
Try Something New Saturdays
This year we’ve launched a new initiative, our ‘Try Something New Saturdays’, which gives our Young People the opportunity to do something they may not have tried before and socialise with other Young People.
Reconnect Leisure Centre Offer
As part of our Reconnect offer, leisure centres across Kent are providing lots more opportunities for children and families. Each leisure centre will have its own offer of activities and sports young people can take part in and will advertise these individually. The offer is open to lots of young people who might find it harder to access leisure opportunities, including children in care.
Have you heard about the Youth Charter?
The Youth Charter has been developed as part of a commitment by Kent County Council, and sets out six principles of how young people want staff to engage and work with them
Easter Half Term Activity Days
During this Easter Half Term, the Participation Team has been busy with lots of activities for children and young people. We’ve tried to offer a variety of choices to meet the needs and interests of every child involved.
The Young Local Authority of the Year Competition
The Young Local Authority of the Year Competition is a public speaking competition. The competition is held every year in Lancaster and local authorities, like Kent County Council, will send teams to represent them. We represented Kent County Council this year as Apprentice Participation Workers for Virtual School Kent, and from 9th-11th of March, we presented 3 speeches alongside 22 other teams from local authorities all over England, including one other team from Kent.
Kooth: Free online mental health support for 10 - 25 yr olds in Kent & Medway
Kooth is a free online service providing you with a safe and secure means of accessing support with emotional health and wellbeing needs.
Care Experienced Civil Services Internships
Do you know about the Civil Service Internships that are available for Care Experienced young people?
Click the link below to find out more:
YPBMF Care Experienced Internships
If you would like further information, please do contact the Care Leavers Internship team at
VSK’s journey towards becoming a Nurturing Virtual School
Our Children and Young people have made a short film with the support of VSK’s Participation and Engagement Team to show what they think about Nurture and our 6 principles. The young people feel these are important principles that all practitioners should work towards.
Wild World Heroes, The Summer Reading Challenge 2021
Get ready for the Wild World Heroes, as Summer Reading Challenge 2021 comes to Kent libraries!
Kent libraries are excited to introduce Wild World Heroes, Summer Reading Challenge 2021; a celebration of nature and action for the environment, in partnership with WWF UK.
Running from 10 July – 11 September 2021, for the first time, children can choose to sign up and participate in the Summer Reading Challenge either by visiting a Kent Library to claim their joining pack, or by visiting to take part online. Visit to find an up-to-date list of our open libraries and information about when others will be opening.
Meet the Wild World Heroes - Carys, Marcus, Callum, Willow, Faiza, David and their trusted animal companions from Wilderville, who are all on a mission to take action and save their natural world.
Children can help the Wild World Heroes by signing up to the Summer Reading Challenge and reading six library books over the summer period. It can be any type of reading material including stories, information books, audiobooks, eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and more. When they have read their six books and completed the Summer Reading Challenge, they will receive a medal and certificate (while stocks last). And it’s all for free!
Live Virtual Zoolabs
Zoolab Rangers bring their animals to our free online Zoolab events, part of Kent Libraries Summer Reading Challenge, Wild World Heroes.
Naturetown – suitable for 5-8 year olds
Wed 4 Aug 1pm-1.45pm
Thurs 12 Aug 10am-10.45am
Hear about the adventure of fellow eco-warriors helping local wildlife, reinforcing what we can all do to protect and care for our animal neighbours.
Eco Investigators – suitable for 8-11 year olds
Wed 18 Aug 10am-10.45am
Thurs 26 Aug 1pm-1.45pm
Become an Eco Investigator and learn how we can help save our animal friends - all from the comfort of your own home!
Art Competition – Design a Logo for the Strengthening Independence Service
The Disabled Children and Young People’s Service is running a competition for young people to design a logo for the service, which will now be called Strengthening Independence.
Virtual School Kent Awards 2021 Nominations Are Now Open
This year’s Virtual School Kent Awards Nominations are now open for Kent’s Children and Young people in Care, and Care Leavers.
National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF) are currently recruiting for Sessional Worker Posts - flexible and exciting paid opportunities for care experienced individuals to work with the forum
The posts are flexible and can fit around other work or education commitments. Sessional workers help to design and deliver NLCBF & Young People’s Benchmarking Forum (YPBMF) events. They also get involved in consultations and events with partner organisations around the country. Sessional workers can be based anywhere in the country.
The closing date for applications in Sunday 6th June.
Visit: for more information and to apply
There are also two Q&As about the post available to attend via MS Teams on Wednesday 26th May at 12.30pm and on Tuesday 1st June at 6pm. On these calls, you will meet the team to find out what it’s like to do the job.
To sign up to these sessions please contact
SEND Co-production Charter
Our Children in Care alongside other young people have supported the creation of Kent’s co-production charter for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The Big Ask: Have your say!
This is your chance to have your say on the things that matter to you and what you think the Government’s priorities should be for the future.
Voices 2021 Creative Writing Competition is here!
Voices is the only national creative writing competition for all children and young people in care and care leavers in the UK, aged 25 and under.
VSK are very proud to announce that we are well on the way to achieving The National Nurturing School Programme Award! (NNSP)
Virtual School Kent are working hard to incorporate Nurture principles into our work with young people.
Thinking of applying to university as a care leaver?
Are you a care leaver in need of advice and insight about how to get into University? Take a look at this!
Have your say on the Care Leavers 18+ Service
Our Young Adult Council wants to hear your views about the services the 18 Plus Care Leavers Service provides.
Accessing Computers and Internet at KCC Libraries
To support you with your education, we want to let you know that KCC has now opened 12 libraries for bookshelf browsing and borrowing, pre-bookable computers and WiFi sessions.
Civil Service Care Leaver Internship
The Civil Service Care Leaver Internship Scheme is reopening for applications on 7th September!
Aspens Fest 2020
Aspens Fest 2020, save the date!
An update about NCS 2020
The following is an update about NCS 2020.
Survey Update!
A huge thank you to everyone that took the time to submit a feedback survey during this lockdown period!
The Summer Reading Challenge is Back!
Silly Squad, the Summer Reading Challenge 2020 started on Friday 5th June and runs throughout the summer holidays, finishing at the end of September. It’s for children aged 4 – 11 and is completely free.
Engineering Apprenticeship with Southeastern
Southeastern are looking to recruit new apprentices to become fully qualified service engineers, over a 4 year course.
Kent Fire & Rescue Service recruitment
The Kent Fire & Rescue Service will shortly be recruiting for Wholetime Firefighters
Barclays Life Skills
Barclays LifeSkills is a fantastic way to boost your CV and find virtual work experience.
Essential information for Students at The University of Greenwich
The following is an update for all care leavers/care experienced students from Chris Colson
An update from OFQUAL
The following is an update from The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
New Competitions
Keep your eyes open for more regular competitions!
Kent Apprenticeship Opportunities
There are hundreds of opportunities across Kent and Medway to kick start your career and secure an Apprenticeship.
NHS Smartphone Apps
Smartphone apps available to download.
Coram Voice - Voices 2020 Competition
Coram Voice are holding a competition for creative writing! ‘Voices 2020’ is a competition for all Children in Care and Care Leavers under the age of 25.
Looking After Teenagers in Today’s Modern World’ and the Association of Kent Headteachers Conferences
The Virtual School Kent Participation Team were proud to support Kent Fostering to deliver the ‘Looking After Teenagers in today’s Modern World’ Conference on 13th November.
KFRS Road Savvy Event November 16th.
The Kent Fire and Rescue Service are kick starting Brake Road Safety Week, with an event allowing a glimpse into the work our emergency services do.
Virtual Tour de Kent
On Wednesday 23rd October, Kent Care Leavers embarked on a 229-mile virtual ‘Tour De Kent’ to raise money for a fantastic charity - the Young Lives Foundation.
Have Your Say on the Care Leavers 18+ Service
Our Young Adult Council (YAC) wants to hear your views about the services the Care Leavers 18+ Service provides again this year.
Starting College or University?
Going to College or University can be a very difficult time in anyone’s life. It can be unsettling and can require a complete change in routine, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Whether you’re deciding to go to college or choosing what university is best for you, don’t leave yourself in the dark!
Talk to the Top
On Thursday 5th September, Matt Dunkley, the Corporate Director for Children Young People and Education attended one of the Young Adult Council’s monthly meeting. YAC members had the opportunity to ask Matt a series of questions about the kind of stuff that affect Young People in Kent. Here are the ten questions the YAC member came up with and Matt’s responses…
Come Along to the Young Adult Council
Our Young Adult Council is one of three councils created by young people and supported by the Participation Team within Virtual School Kent. We are made up of passionate Children in Care and Care Leavers aged 16+.
Adventure Under Sail
Ocean Youth Trust South is a charity which gives young people aged between 12 and 25 the opportunity to go to sea. This year, Virtual School Kent was lucky enough to be able to offer 11 Children in Care an amazing adventure on the ocean!
Corporate Parenting Panel Takeover Day!
Kent County Council’s Takeover Day on Wednesday, May 29 saw children in care, care leavers, adopted young people and the sons and daughters of foster carers take charge of the Corporate Parenting Panel and have their voices heard.
Mind of My Own - how it can help you!
Mind of My Own is an award-winning app which allows children in care and care leavers to express their thoughts and feelings easily with the professionals they work with. Children as young as eight can sign up to a young person’s account and access their account whenever and wherever they want. You can download the app to your phone or tablet or use the Mind of My Own website.
Write, Speak, Share on IMO
We always love hearing your stories, poems and experiences of being in care and, with your permission, sharing these on this website.
We like to ride our bicycles!
On Tuesday 9th April, the Participation Team took two groups of young people to the Cyclopark in Gravesend.
The Care Leaver Covenant
The Care Leaver Covenant is a promise made by private, public or voluntary organisations to provide support for Care Leavers aged 16 – 25 to help them to live independently.
Around the World in a Day
Over the February half term, there were two activity days held in Kings Hill and Canterbury. Young People could come along and take part in different workshops - African Drumming, Chinese Dance and Asian Shadow Puppets - to learn about some arts from different countries.
Taking Over Whitehall!
In November, Virtual School Kent was very excited to support two young people, Bradley and Chelsea, take part in the Whitehall Takeover, a month-long event organised by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.
Finding Accommodation as a Care Leaver
Moving on from Social Services accommodation is a big step, and you might have concerns about finding somewhere to live. Your Personal Advisor (PA) will be able to go through your options with you.
Why go to a University or College Open Day?
Making decisions about your future can be confusing whether you are in Year 11, Year 13 or considering a return to education or training after a break. Sixth form, college, university, apprenticeships, the world of work…the possibilities can sometimes seem endless! But help is at hand!
16+ Awards Ceremony
Virtual School Kent held their fifth annual Post 16 Awards Ceremony. This event recognises and celebrates the achievements of looked after post 16 young people and there were some amazing success stories.
Say Hello to Tia and Rob and well done Chelsea!
This summer, we have been incredibly happy to welcome two new apprentices to the Participation Team. You may have met Tia Pires Higgins and Rob Barton if you came to our activity days during the summer holidays but if not, let’s meet them…
The Annual Children in Care Countywide Event
Every year, Virtual School Kent’s Participation Team holds a celebration for the three Children in Care Councils. The council groups are The Super Council which is for 7-11 year olds, Our Children and Young People’s Council for 11-16 year olds and the Young Adult Council for age 16+.
A fantastic summer of activity days!
What a brilliant summer we have had! Hot, sunny and jam packed with fun!