Your Independent Reviewing Officer or IRO’s job is to help make sure that your time in care is as positive as possible and that you have access to lot of opportunities while you’re being looked after. They make sure that the plan for your care is a good one, helps you to do well and is right for you.
This year, for National Apprenticeship Week each of our apprentices has chosen a different way to introduce themselves; telling us about what the apprenticeship means to them, the things they’ve learnt and why apprenticeships provide them Skills For Life!
To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2022, the Participation Team has created this short film, to celebrate the value, benefit of an apprenticeship.
Find out more about Virtual School Kent’s Six Nurture Principles and what they mean to young people.
VSK is working hard to incorporate the 6 Nurture Principles into our work with young people. Find out more about what Nurture is and learn about the 6 Principles from Tony Doran, VSK’s Headteacher.
We know that the idea of more children returning to school is causing a lot of mixed emotions for young people. We made this video to help support you as you return to the classroom - there is no right or wrong way to feel!
We loved receiving your fabulous Easter Design Competition entries. The standard was amazing and it was really tough to pick our favourite! Take a look at the video to see just some of the brilliant posters, puzzles and drawings you sent in!
Nola, who is the daughter of one of our Participation Officers, wanted to share with you the importance of washing your hands to help you, the people you live with and others safe and healthy. We think she’s a natural in front of the camera! Thanks Nola!
Mind of My Own is a fantastic app that allows you to communicate with your workers more easily. Answer questions about a variety of scenarios like Sort a Problem, Change something, Share Good News or My Worker is Visiting. Have a watch of our short film to find out more or go to!
The Participation Team is always looking for new ways to help young people express their opinions and share their thoughts about the care they receive. This week we have been experimenting with some new animation software, VideoScribe. We hope you like our first go - we chose a subject close to our hearts!
Join the VSK Apprentices in spreading the word about how amazing our Kent Foster Carers are.
During Foster Care Fortnight, let’s work together to encourage more people to think about fostering!
Why not get in touch to tell us about your foster carer?
Lots of you will have met the VSK Apprentices at activity days or Children in Care Council meetings. They are really proud to be Apprentices and as it is National Apprenticeship Week (4th March - 8th March), wanted to tell you why they think apprenticeships are such a great opportunity!
Here at Kent Cares Town, we love celebrating your achievements and successes! Take a look at Josh playing the Piano at a Christmas Performance. He has only been learning for a short time and showed great courage and perseverance in preparing for this performance! Got something to share? Contact
At the end of November, Chelsea had the fantastic opportunity to take part in the Whitehall Takeover in London. She shadowed Lord Agnew, Parliamentary Under Secretary for the School System in the Department of Education. She wanted to share her day with you all so take a look!
Sophia wanted to let everyone know about our fantastic Super Council meeting in October. We had a great time discussing young people’s views of their Review Meetings, looking at the redesigned Kent Cares Town website and playing some fun games!
Sophia met with Caroline Smith, Interim Assistant Director for Corporate Parenting, to challenge everyone who works at Kent County Council to be the best Corporate Parents they can be to Children in Care and Care Leavers!
Young people in care and care leavers tell us that they don’t want to be defined by the fact they are in care. YAC members and our Apprentice Participation Workers made this film to dispel the myths and stigma around being in care. Let us know about your experiences by contacting us.