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Asylum Information

Asylum Information

If you are under 18 and enter the United Kingdom by yourself to seek asylum, you will become the responsibility of a local authority. You have the right to an assessment of your needs under the Children Act 1989.

An age assessment may also be carried out if there is uncertainty about how old you are and you do not have documents to prove your age. If this happens, you will be offered an independent visitor, who has had training and understands your needs, to support you.

This information is for young people aged 16 and under, who are in the care of Kent County Council.

What to expect:

Kent County Council will provide you with suitable accommodation that meets your needs.

  • You are also entitled to an education and you will be found a place at a school or college.
  • You are entitled to free health care from the NHS.
  • You will be helped to find an immigration solicitor who will support you with your asylum claim.
  • You will receive help with money and planning for the future.
  • You are entitled to support from an interpreter during meetings with your Social Worker, immigration solicitor and others so you understand what is being said and can more easily give your view.
  • We will aim to meet your religious and cultural needs.

Some of the people who will support and help you are:

  • Your Social Worker
  • Independent Reviewing Officer
  • Designated Teacher