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Moving On


Recruit Crew


Recruit Crew


Kent County Council believes that it is important to include young people, who have had experience of the care system, when they are recruiting new staff who are going to be working with children and young people. This means that when personal advisers or social workers, for example, are interviewed there is often a young person on the panel too asking questions about the things they feel are important. The ‘Recruit Crew’ is a group of care experienced young people who regularly support these recruitment activities.

If you would like to sit on an interview panel, please email us at The VSK Participation Team also offer a one-day Level Two course in ‘Interviewing Skills for Service Users’ which helps prepare you for taking part. Both this course and any interview panel experience you have can be added to your CV. The experience can also help you when you are interviewed yourself as it gives you a good insight into the recruitment process. You will often receive vouchers as a thank you for attending and will have your travel expenses paid for.

Click on a link below to find out more...

Leaving Care Charter The Young Adult Council Challenge Cards You Said, We Did Your Personal Adviser Other Ways to have Your Say Participation Service Young Inspector Scheme Young Parents