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Moving On


Challenge Cards

Challenge Cards

What are Challenge Cards?

In February 2015, through consultation with young care leavers and children in care at the children in care councils, the VSK Participation Team developed the concept of Challenge Cards. These are a formal way for you to have your voice heard about issues faced by you as a young person in care or care leaver by your corporate parents and the decision makers at the council.

The Rent Guarantor Scheme and the payment of Council Tax for younger care leavers are just two examples of initiatives that began as Challenges from care leavers. 

How can I make a Challenge?

Any young person in care or Care Leaver can raise a challenge. You can:

  • bring it directly to one of the children in care meetings that are held during the school holidays

  • Contact the Participation Team by emailing

  • post it to VSK, Worrall House, 19 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4AE

  • give it to your social worker or personal adviser who will pass it to the VSK Participation Team

  • Complete a challenge online

You can download a copy of the Challenge Card here but if you don’t have a printer, just use a normal piece of paper.

What happens next?

The Challenge is taken to one of the Children in Care (CiC) Councils (the Super Council, OCYPC or YAC) where it is discussed. Challenges should be about issues that affect many children and young people in care and care leavers. Challenge Cards that are related to personal issues are passed to relevant professionals who can help the young person who has written the Challenge.

If the CiC Councils feel that the Challenge should be taken forward, it is discussed at the Children in Care Managers’ Meeting. It is the officers at this meeting who have the responsibility to decide on actions to meet the Challenge and who will carry out these actions. They must update the Children in Care Councils with their progress towards meeting the Challenge. It is also reported at the Corporate Parenting Panel. 

Click on a link below to find out more...

Leaving Care Charter The Young Adult Council Challenge Cards You Said, We Did Your Personal Adviser Other Ways to have Your Say Participation Service Young Inspector Scheme Young Parents