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Ongoing housing support



Ongoing housing support



Your Personal Advisor will assist and guide you with housing issues and if you live in supported housing you will have a support worker who will work with you to help you build your independence skills.

If you have a support or key worker because you live in supported accommodation, they are there to support and help you. Speak to your Personal Advisor if you don’t think you’re getting all the support you need.

Your Personal Advisor may also refer you to a floating support worker if you live in your own flat who will help with your personal life and practical life skills, such as; budgeting. If you are allocated a worker and don’t attend the meetings the support might stop, so try and get the maximum benefit from them as they are there to support you.

You also may get help with an address chronology should you need it, to help with things like applying for a Disclosure and Baring Service Certificate which you may need to help you secure employment.

Rent Guarantor Scheme

Kent County Council has a rent deposit and rent guarantee scheme that can be accessed by care leavers, enabling them to seek housing in the private rented sector.

You must be in employment or in higher education to ensure you can afford to pay the rent to be eligible for the Rent Guarantor Scheme. The scheme is available for those aged 18-25 yrs and will cease on your 25th birthday.

To access the scheme, you will need to show you  can manage the rent payments and not get into debt.  It’s also important that once on the scheme, you let your Personal Advisor know as soon as possible if your financial circumstances change and this impacts on being able to pay your rent. Once you turn 25, you will be responsible for all of your rent payments as the corporate rent guarantor scheme will end at this point.

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Independent and Social Housing Staying Put Supported Accommodation University Accommodation in Holiday Periods Moving placement and school/college Ongoing housing support Council Tax